1600 Squirrels: fillmore mural
1600 Squirrels: the difference between running and walking
1600 Squirrels: purple hayes
1600 Squirrels: role reversal
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #2: high five the fish at the top of the hill
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #3: be careful who you whistle at
1600 Squirrels: celebrate with gusto
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #5: grab water without making eye contact
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #6: don't cut corners
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #7: dress to impress
1600 Squirrels: the new balance
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #8: know what team you're on
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #9: wear layers
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #10: consult your doctor before running
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #11: it's a free country
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #12: it *was* a free country
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #13: shave
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #14: judge not others
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #15: if you got it...
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #16: coordination may become impaired
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #17: smoking is permitted if you're elvis
1600 Squirrels: b2b tip #18: spilling beer is a double fault
1600 Squirrels: tradition
1600 Squirrels: music of the hyperbolic paraboloids
1600 Squirrels: completing the trinity
1600 Squirrels: chillin' in church
1600 Squirrels: raining inside
1600 Squirrels: civic centers
1600 Squirrels: sprinkling outside, tinkling inside