acnatta: The Capitol gets ready for Tuesday
acnatta: Mounted Patrol on The Mall
acnatta: The big picture on the Saturday before
acnatta: We Are One... of many large screens
acnatta: A calm evening on Capitol Hill
acnatta: Mall sized recycling program
acnatta: A pretty good spot
acnatta: Testing out the big screens
acnatta: DSCF8487
acnatta: A sea of seats along the U.S. Capitol
acnatta: We're almost ready
acnatta: Decorating for the occasion
acnatta: The view towards the White House...
acnatta: The Red Cross welcomes the new President
acnatta: Setting up the Presidential viewing stand
acnatta: Setting up for the Latino Inaugurational Ball @ Union Station
acnatta: We Are One Concert
acnatta: Fans of change await "The Moment"
acnatta: The Inaugural Address
acnatta: Reflecting on what is to come
acnatta: The crowd at The Reflecting Pool
acnatta: The beginning of today's journey
acnatta: Children look on from the WWII Memorial
acnatta: The crowd at the Washington Monument
acnatta: Yes, that's I-395
acnatta: Late night on the Red Line at DuPont Circle
acnatta: A piece of transit history
acnatta: The crowd at DuPont Cirlce the day before
acnatta: A closer look at the Bush protest
acnatta: The rear view