Acierman: black and white
Acierman: im the doggy ...gotta love me
Acierman: graduation party
Acierman: the eyes say it all
Acierman: IMG_0130
Acierman: NAOMI 2
Acierman: NAOMI 3
Acierman: IMG_0123
Acierman: IMG_0126
Acierman: my stupid joke worked
Acierman: IMG_0055_1
Acierman: a few of the things i use for portraits
Acierman: IMG_6545
Acierman: IMG_6425
Acierman: La court Mont Royal shopping mall in Montreal
Acierman: from Germany ...Carla
Acierman: G'Nee
Acierman: miss legs
Acierman: using only a reflector/gold side
Acierman: using only a reflector/gold side