Supermarketsong: Hello kitty!
susanrm8: Devon: Stranger 67/100
urban wildlife: Höckerschwan / Swan
kyte50: claws
Ricky De Franceschi: Hastile, Italia, 1955
BRCK_Photos: BRCK-9
Makrofotografie-Leipzig Gerdt Gingko: Gehöckerte Krabbenspinne, Thomisus onustus
Makrofotografie-Leipzig Gerdt Gingko: Maskenbiene: Hylaeus spc
Baspherical: BASP6628Smc PENTAX-DA 35mm F2.8 Macro Limited
Körmendi, János: Sleeping dog
Lepidoptorologic beauty*: Hommage to TooLoose-Le Trek (The beauty of decay)
borosgabor1984: IMGP8514
Nintendo_rocks: Dragonfly on my stomach
Jonne Naarala: Enjoying the summer night
Ross Magrath: The Pick-Up
Cloud Age Photo: 207/365 The Canon Photographer
kurtmurks: black&light
Lars@Fotogenerell: Sigma 30mm f/1.4 ART (Volle Auflösung - Full Resolution)
halfrain: Dusk in October
halfrain: Light Tube II little red in green flower-sunshine
Rubén Mariblanca Nieves: New York - Vissible + infrared
Rafakoy: New York
johnny_rino: IMG_0350
Andreas Voegele: START - Ricoh GR