achituv: DSC01605
achituv: DSC01608
achituv: Having fun at the 'Toma'
achituv: getting ready for the Yager-Bomb
achituv: Nick surrounded by lawyers
achituv: Lawyer #1, Ben, Nick, Lawyer #2
achituv: The Clara - FashionBar
achituv: DSC01616
achituv: DSC01618
achituv: DSC01622
achituv: DSC01623
achituv: DSC01636
achituv: Dancing on the tables
achituv: Nick in action
achituv: Barbie #782
achituv: Kampf
achituv: Ben working his charm on the wrong girl
achituv: DSC01650
achituv: DSC01655
achituv: The view on the rocky beach from the deck
achituv: The old port of Jaffa, as seen from the deck at the Clara
achituv: Dan Panorama Hotel with the Google office bldg. in the background behind the Hasan-Bek mosque