acercanto: The Bay Bridge/Tunnel (that's the bridge part)
acercanto: Loading up the 'yaks
acercanto: Off to a good start.
acercanto: First glimpse of horses
acercanto: silhouette of horses
acercanto: silhouette of horses
acercanto: silhouette of horses
acercanto: turtle!
acercanto: Turtle!
acercanto: Sun going down
acercanto: Sun going down
acercanto: Big Dipper
acercanto: Campfire
acercanto: Campfire
acercanto: more campfire
acercanto: West through the trees
acercanto: Camp by daylight.
acercanto: back on the water
acercanto: view over the bow
acercanto: Red plant
acercanto: view over the bow
acercanto: shoreline
acercanto: mussles
acercanto: Mussles
acercanto: more horses
acercanto: horses again
acercanto: horses
acercanto: wounded Cormorant
acercanto: wounded Cormorant
acercanto: wounded Cormorant