acechick: rainbow
acechick: wind farm
acechick: mountain
acechick: Gretchen talks
acechick: Gretchen talks
acechick: Gretchen talks
acechick: Gretchen talks
acechick: Butter listens
acechick: Gretchen
acechick: singer
acechick: Vera's birthday
acechick: birthday!
acechick: hot tub & champers time
acechick: lovely mamas, champers & hot tub
acechick: suh-weet
acechick: gentle glow of the hot tub
acechick: the cloud
acechick: the cold, emptied the pool
acechick: Bueller?
acechick: last supper (lunch)
acechick: is there a volcano here?
acechick: spoon kiss
acechick: MY spoon
acechick: step up your game
acechick: buh-byeee
acechick: sewer
acechick: I am a sewer
acechick: photo shoot?
acechick: I didn't notice the diorama when we checked in