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Kwan Hua computer assembly contest Intel group by Ace Henry
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Ace Henry
1st place Intel computer assembly contest - 1
Ace Henry
1st place Intel computer assembly contest - 2
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 1
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 2
Ace Henry
computer assembly contest components - 2
Ace Henry
computer assembly contest components - 1
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 3
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 4
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 5
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 6
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 8
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 9
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 10
Ace Henry
host at the computer assembly contest - 7
Ace Henry
computer annual event banner
Ace Henry
computer annual event - 3
Ace Henry
computer annual event - 2
Ace Henry
computer annual event - 4
Ace Henry
Intel computer assembly contest - 2
Ace Henry
components of the computer assembly contest - 1
Ace Henry
components of the computer assembly contest - 2
Ace Henry
computer annual event - 5
Ace Henry
computer annual event - 6
Ace Henry
Intel computer assembly contest - 1
Ace Henry
coolermaster cosmos II
Ace Henry
one of the Judge for computer assembly contest - 1
Ace Henry
one of the Judge for computer assembly contest - 2
Ace Henry
one of the Judge for computer assembly contest - 3
Ace Henry
one of the Judge for computer assembly contest - 4
Ace Henry
one of the Judge for computer assembly contest - 5
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