access.denied: Ohrid old town
access.denied: Roman theatre, fairly newly built
access.denied: Saint Clement's church in Ohrid
access.denied: Another view of Saint Clement's
access.denied: St. Constantine and St. Helen's
access.denied: Trying to look warm
access.denied: Decay creeps in
access.denied: Cafe by the castle
access.denied: Saint John and Saint Panteleimon's
access.denied: Tsar Samuil's castle
access.denied: Early Christian Basilica
access.denied: Saint John Kaneo
access.denied: Rain in Ohrid
access.denied: Bay of the Bones
access.denied: The church of St. Naum
access.denied: Urbanlegend at St. Naum's
access.denied: The bird and the cross
access.denied: The road to St. Naum's monastery
access.denied: Entrance to St. Stephen's cave church
access.denied: Beyond ridiculous
access.denied: Pomposity overload
access.denied: Back streets of Skopje old town
access.denied: Our little rented car
access.denied: Disco in the ruins
access.denied: Trains of Albania
access.denied: The station at Rrogozhine
access.denied: The wall of Victorinius
access.denied: Breathing in Byllis
access.denied: Vandalism?
access.denied: In Byllis sun