Acarlos1000: DSC02314
Acarlos1000: Apple Store at Regent Street
Acarlos1000: Canadian Totem at the British Museum
Acarlos1000: Plate Preview on the table
Acarlos1000: British Museum ceiling
Acarlos1000: Pink taxi cab
Acarlos1000: Really interesting Description in the Menu
Acarlos1000: DSC02311
Acarlos1000: DSC02055
Acarlos1000: DSC02080
Acarlos1000: British Museum
Acarlos1000: The roseta Stone and I
Acarlos1000: Walking through Russell Square
Acarlos1000: Walking to the Dam
Acarlos1000: time to pay
Acarlos1000: Brahma
Acarlos1000: DSC02319
Acarlos1000: Digital Menu on the table
Acarlos1000: Ferrari getting a ticket in London