Apricot Cafe:
Little boy tasting candy at street shop
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son shopping at traditional Japanese shopping street
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son tying fortune paper
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son looking at birds in pond
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son taking selfie picture
Apricot Cafe:
Woman taking selfie picture in matsuri shops
Apricot Cafe:
Mother purifying hands
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son praying for good fortune
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son praying for good fortune
Apricot Cafe:
Mother reading fortune paper for son
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son drawing oracle
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son drawing oracle
Apricot Cafe:
Boy drawing oracle with mother
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son on street shop
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son praying for peace
Apricot Cafe:
Mother and son praying for peace