Apricot Cafe:
High school girl walking closer to beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple walking together at beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple walking together at beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple at beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple sitting on stairs at beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl riding bicycle
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl meets boyfriend on the way to school
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple walking together to school
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl on the way to school by bicycle
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple being relaxed at beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple being relaxed at beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl jumping on street near school
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl going back home after school
Apricot Cafe:
High school student going back home after school
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl on the way to school by bicycle
Apricot Cafe:
Happy high school girl studying
Apricot Cafe:
High school students studying in restaurant
Apricot Cafe:
High school students studying in restaurant
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple in restaurant
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple taking pictures at lunch in restaurant
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple talking neaby beach
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl waiting for boyfriend after school
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl riding bicycle near station
Apricot Cafe:
High school student couple commuting on train
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl stepping on the boy's foot
Apricot Cafe:
High school girl waiting for train on platform
Apricot Cafe:
Happy high school girl taking a nap during studying
Apricot Cafe:
Happy high school girl getting tired in studying
Apricot Cafe:
Happy high school girl studying in the morning
Apricot Cafe:
Happy high school girl writing message in the morning