Apricot Cafe: Sacred Heart Cathedral, Yokohama
Apricot Cafe: Saint Mary
Apricot Cafe: Pink en White
Apricot Cafe: Happy Wedding!!
Apricot Cafe: Cherry Blossom Growing on the Trunk of a Tree
Apricot Cafe: Otometsubaki Camellia
Apricot Cafe: HPPT with Otometsubaki Camellia
Apricot Cafe: Symmetric Beauty
Apricot Cafe: HPPT with Pink Camellia
Apricot Cafe: Sacred Heart Cathedral, Yokohama
Apricot Cafe: Red Cemellia
Apricot Cafe: Yamate, Yokohama
Apricot Cafe: Euryops pectinatus
Apricot Cafe: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Apricot Cafe: Warm White after the Rain
Apricot Cafe: Happy Spring!
Apricot Cafe: Rehearsal
Apricot Cafe: Wedding Ceremony - Rehearsal
Apricot Cafe: Bridesmaid with Bouquet
Apricot Cafe: Sacred Heart Cathedral, Yokohama
Apricot Cafe: Cathedral
Apricot Cafe: Opening of the Wedding Ceremony
Apricot Cafe: Wedding Ceremony
Apricot Cafe: During the Ceremony
Apricot Cafe: Smiling bride at double-ring ceremony
Apricot Cafe: Happy Wedding
Apricot Cafe: Signing their Marriage Certificate
Apricot Cafe: Happy Moment
Apricot Cafe: Bride and groom in a church