Apricot Cafe: Shinkansen at Kyoto station
Apricot Cafe: Kyoto station building
Apricot Cafe: Kyoto tower from the station building
Apricot Cafe: an artifact at Saikontan restaurant
Apricot Cafe: an antique teapot
Apricot Cafe: lunch at Saikontan restaurant
Apricot Cafe: the room with a wooden floor
Apricot Cafe: a shishiodoshi at the inner court
Apricot Cafe: an antique flower vase
Apricot Cafe: rice-cookers
Apricot Cafe: Saikontan Takoyakushi restaurant
Apricot Cafe: cute souvenirs
Apricot Cafe: a souvenir shop near Kiyomizudera
Apricot Cafe: the entrance of Kiyomizudera temple
Apricot Cafe: the temple bell near Nio-mon
Apricot Cafe: wash your hands here
Apricot Cafe: the corridor of the main hall
Apricot Cafe: the god of welth
Apricot Cafe: scene from Kiyomizudera main holl
Apricot Cafe: love prediction stone
Apricot Cafe: the main holl of Kiyomizudera temple
Apricot Cafe: the stage of Kiyomizudera temple main holl
Apricot Cafe: view of the main holl from Okuno-in
Apricot Cafe: looking up the main holl
Apricot Cafe: the sloping road near Kiyomizudera
Apricot Cafe: Sannenzaka sloping road
Apricot Cafe: dolls for the Girl's Festival
Apricot Cafe: gourd shaped charms
Apricot Cafe: Ichinenzaka sloping road
Apricot Cafe: a side road of Neneno-Michi street