acadia62: sky drama
acadia62: no ship
acadia62: knoll and waterfront
acadia62: Jess and Joey
acadia62: Had to take - Have to post it
acadia62: rust
acadia62: gear
acadia62: taking the old and the new
acadia62: cairn
acadia62: two on the light
acadia62: Bug Light and group pan
acadia62: Beams
acadia62: metal bench
acadia62: No Dumping
acadia62: group shot
acadia62: two buildings and a boat
acadia62: tweeting in the eaves
acadia62: broken
acadia62: empty building
acadia62: Spring Point Ledge Light
acadia62: gathering at the light
acadia62: fort
acadia62: All the World's a Stage
acadia62: stairs
acadia62: tube
acadia62: 1904
acadia62: pink blossoms
acadia62: lilac