ac4lt: IMG_3687
ac4lt: IMG_3689
ac4lt: IMG_3691
ac4lt: IMG_3698
ac4lt: IMG_3699
ac4lt: IMG_3704
ac4lt: IMG_3705
ac4lt: Rachel
ac4lt: Rachel and the rest of her swim group
ac4lt: Rachel enters the water
ac4lt: Rachel swims away
ac4lt: Rachel swims away
ac4lt: IMG_3750
ac4lt: IMG_3775
ac4lt: IMG_3777
ac4lt: IMG_3779
ac4lt: IMG_3805
ac4lt: Dan
ac4lt: Rachel exits the water
ac4lt: Rachel in the swim to bike transition
ac4lt: Rachel
ac4lt: IMG_3840
ac4lt: IMG_3843
ac4lt: IMG_3851
ac4lt: IMG_3853
ac4lt: Rachel
ac4lt: Rachel finishes the bike portion
ac4lt: Rachel in the bike to run transition area
ac4lt: IMG_3895
ac4lt: Rachel starts her run