ac4lt: IMG_9230: Larry, Jason and Jay
ac4lt: IMG_9233: Steve
ac4lt: IMG_9237: Jenn
ac4lt: IMG_9238: Hoyle
ac4lt: IMG_9250: Art, Jim and Alex
ac4lt: IMG_9252: Robert and Paul
ac4lt: IMG_9253: Wes
ac4lt: IMG_9256: Paul
ac4lt: IMG_9257: Denise and Suzanne
ac4lt: IMG_9259: Suzanne, Denise and Peter
ac4lt: IMG_9261: Cade and Angela
ac4lt: IMG_9266: Cecilia and Anne Marie
ac4lt: IMG_9269: Lin Lin and Genevieve
ac4lt: IMG_9272: Ron and Alex
ac4lt: IMG_9274: Paul
ac4lt: IMG_9275: Chris, Andrew and Robert
ac4lt: IMG_9276: Jay, Denise, Peter, Larry, Cade and Sean
ac4lt: IMG_9277: Jim, Chad and Art
ac4lt: IMG_9278: Angela and Suzanne
ac4lt: IMG_9279: Cade's Toes
ac4lt: IMG_9280: Samantha and Cheryl
ac4lt: IMG_9283: Angela
ac4lt: IMG_9284: Steve
ac4lt: IMG_9286: Jim and Lin Lin
ac4lt: IMG_9288: Hoyle and Samantha
ac4lt: IMG_9293: Sydney
ac4lt: IMG_9294: Sydney and Samantha
ac4lt: IMG_9295: Sydney
ac4lt: IMG_9296: Sydney and Samantha
ac4lt: IMG_9299: Sydney and Samantha