ac4lt: IMG_4696: Delegate Plum and Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4705: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4709: Delegate Plum and Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4713: Delegate Plum
ac4lt: IMG_4723: Delegate Plum
ac4lt: IMG_4731: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4759
ac4lt: IMG_4768
ac4lt: IMG_4769: Delegate Plum
ac4lt: IMG_4780
ac4lt: IMG_4793: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4799: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4803: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4804: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4847
ac4lt: IMG_4849: Delegate Plum
ac4lt: IMG_4854
ac4lt: IMG_4871: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4873
ac4lt: IMG_4881: Senator Howell
ac4lt: IMG_4885: Delegate Plum
ac4lt: IMG_4899