ac4lt: IMG_3870: Pete/KG4OJT and Will/KC6ROL Verify the Time
ac4lt: IMG_3871: The Students Who Will Ask the Questions
ac4lt: IMG_3872: 2m Yagi Antenna
ac4lt: IMG_3873: Lindenblad Antenna
ac4lt: IMG_3877: 2m Yagi
ac4lt: IMG_3880: Lindenblad Antenna
ac4lt: IMG_3882: Lindenblad Antenna
ac4lt: IMG_3884: 2m Vertical
ac4lt: IMG_3885: Tom/N4ZPT and John/AF4PD Up on the Roof
ac4lt: IMG_3887: Redundant Laptops for Antenna Rotator Control
ac4lt: IMG_3888: Amplifiers
ac4lt: IMG_3892: Tom/N4ZPT Sets up the Tracking Computer on the Gym Roof
ac4lt: IMG_3893: ISS Expedition 4 Astronaut Carl Walz/KC5TIE Regales the Students
ac4lt: IMG_3896: Students Await the Contact
ac4lt: IMG_3900
ac4lt: IMG_3901: The Ground Station
ac4lt: IMG_3902
ac4lt: IMG_3905
ac4lt: IMG_3911: Students Await the ISS
ac4lt: IMG_3912: Video Cameras Record the Event
ac4lt: IMG_3916
ac4lt: IMG_3917
ac4lt: IMG_3919: ISS Approaches
ac4lt: IMG_3923: Iain/KI4HLV
ac4lt: IMG_3924: ISS Approaches
ac4lt: IMG_3925: Iain/KI4HLV and Pete/KG4OJT
ac4lt: IMG_3928: Phil/AI4JF Instructs the Crowd
ac4lt: IMG_3929: Nicholas
ac4lt: IMG_3930: Alex
ac4lt: IMG_3932: Luke, Elliott and Layne