ac4lt: Mvc00002: Lorrie Has the Measles
ac4lt: Mvc00005: Patrick, the Ninja
ac4lt: Mvc00006: Alex is Bugs Bunny
ac4lt: Mvc00007: Alex, Bugs Bunny
ac4lt: Mvc00010: Sarah, Tricia and Alex Pin Patrick
ac4lt: Mvc00012: Lorrie and Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00013: Lorrie and Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00014: Lorrie and Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00015: Alex Kisses Lorrie
ac4lt: Mvc00018: Cody and Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00019: Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00020: Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00021: Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00022: Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00025: Megan
ac4lt: Mvc00030: Alex and Tricia
ac4lt: Mvc00035: Joie, Tricia and Alex
ac4lt: Mvc00037: Tricia