ac4lt: CRW_0499: Spashing Goose
ac4lt: CRW_0500: Canada Geese
ac4lt: CRW_0505: Swimming Ducks
ac4lt: CRW_0506: Ducks
ac4lt: CRW_0507: Fishing on the Lake
ac4lt: CRW_0508: Messages on the Tree
ac4lt: CRW_0514: Mushrooms
ac4lt: CRW_0515
ac4lt: CRW_0520: Kirsten Frames a Photo
ac4lt: CRW_0521: Maria
ac4lt: CRW_0522: Doug
ac4lt: CRW_0523
ac4lt: CRW_0524
ac4lt: CRW_0526: Kayak on the Lake