ac4lt: IMG_5155: Where the Fox Was
ac4lt: IMG_5156: Nancy and the Fox
ac4lt: IMG_5157: Pete/KG4OJT, Matthew/KB1EXM and Mike/K3MT Compare Notes
ac4lt: IMG_5158: Amanda
ac4lt: IMG_5159: Jim/WI4A, The First Fox Finder
ac4lt: IMG_5160: Pete/KG4OJT and Jim/AG4MA
ac4lt: IMG_5162: Matthew/KG4URU
ac4lt: IMG_5164: Pete/KG4OJT
ac4lt: IMG_5165: Matthew/KB1EXM
ac4lt: IMG_5166: Mike/K3MT
ac4lt: IMG_5168: Mike/K3MT and John/AF4PD
ac4lt: IMG_5169: Amanda
ac4lt: IMG_5171: Amanda
ac4lt: IMG_5178: Amanda
ac4lt: IMG_5181: MIke/K3MT, Nancy, Jim/AG4MA and Bernie/K4XY Enjoy Lunch
ac4lt: IMG_5182: Matthew/KB1EXM and Tom/N4ZPT
ac4lt: IMG_5183: Pat
ac4lt: IMG_5184: Matthew/KG4URU