ac4lt: IMG_4681: A customer bargains with Tom/N4ZPT
ac4lt: IMG_4682
ac4lt: IMG_4683: Dennis/WA4QMS and a Ham
ac4lt: IMG_4684: Mike/AE4R Talks with Potential Customers
ac4lt: IMG_4685: Virginia Defense Force
ac4lt: IMG_4687: Matthew/KG4URU Videotapes Me
ac4lt: IMG_4688: Jan/KG4JBB Tries to Stay Warm
ac4lt: IMG_4689: AMRAD Van
ac4lt: IMG_4690: AMRAD Van
ac4lt: IMG_4692: Dick/W2YE handles QSL Bureau Sales
ac4lt: IMG_4693: Maria/KG4JBJ Sells Books
ac4lt: IMG_4694: Howard/WD5DBC and John/AF4PD Sell Tickets
ac4lt: IMG_4695: John/AF4PD and Gary/KI4EKM
ac4lt: IMG_4696: Kaitlin Sells Girl Scout Cookies
ac4lt: IMG_4697: Matthew/KG4URU
ac4lt: IMG_4698
ac4lt: IMG_4699: Autocall
ac4lt: IMG_4700
ac4lt: IMG_4701: Winterfest Entrance
ac4lt: IMG_4702: Kaitlin and Matthew/KG4URU
ac4lt: IMG_4708: A Ham Buys a Winterfest Ticket
ac4lt: IMG_4709: Pete/KG4OJT
ac4lt: IMG_4713: Maria/KG4JBJ
ac4lt: IMG_4715: Books
ac4lt: IMG_4716: Ron/KG4ICG and Jan/KG4JBB
ac4lt: IMG_4717: Hams Chat with John/N4MM
ac4lt: IMG_4718: Len/KG6ZR Mans the QCWA Table
ac4lt: IMG_4719: Jim/AG4MA
ac4lt: IMG_4720: Len/KG6ZR
ac4lt: IMG_4721: Tom/N4ZPT