ac4lt: IMG_4437: Lorrie Blows Out her Candles
ac4lt: IMG_4438: Tiffany, Kevin and Tiffany's Sister
ac4lt: IMG_4439: Joie, Tiffany and Tiffany's Sister
ac4lt: IMG_4442: Alex Plays the Guitar, Sorta
ac4lt: IMG_4444: Alex Gets Into the Drums
ac4lt: IMG_4445: Alex Plays the Drums
ac4lt: IMG_4449: Alex Assaults the Drums.
ac4lt: IMG_4450: Alex Whacks a Cymbal
ac4lt: IMG_4451: Josh Shows Alex the Proper Technique
ac4lt: IMG_4452: Josh Shows Tricia How to Play
ac4lt: IMG_4454: Kristie and Joie
ac4lt: IMG_4455: Alex, Kristie, Joie and Lorrie
ac4lt: IMG_4456: Tricia
ac4lt: IMG_4457: Alex Plays the Drums
ac4lt: IMG_4458: Alex Plays the Drums
ac4lt: IMG_4459: Alex Plays the Drums