ac2kuk: 47580 approaches Whittlesey whilst on one of its trips out for WCRC this being 5Z56 Carnforth to Norwich
ac2kuk: 47826 on the rear of 5Z56 approaching Whittlesey
ac2kuk: Powerhaul liveried 66504 approaching Whittlesey with a diverted Coatbridge to Feixstowe liner
ac2kuk: 66517 heads a liner towards Peterborough at Blackbush crossing
ac2kuk: 66082 66115 and unusually 67005 pass Blackbush Crossing near Whittlesey working light engine to Whitemoor
ac2kuk: 66721 and 66743 pause at Peterborough before continueing North light engine
ac2kuk: 47580 at Peterborough with a charter for Norwich
ac2kuk: 56303 leads 0z56 slowly along the Fletton branch
ac2kuk: 56301 on the rear of 0z56 on the Fletton branch
ac2kuk: 56303 off the front of the convoy and runs round to the back
ac2kuk: 50008 leads 0z56 away from Orton Mere towards Wansford
ac2kuk: 47580 departs Peterborough for Norwich
ac2kuk: 50008 leads 0z56 away from Orton Mere having replaced 56303 as power for the convoy
ac2kuk: 47790 at Peterborough with a Northern Belle charter
ac2kuk: 20314 and 20311 arriving into Orton Mere
ac2kuk: Poorly hoover 50008 on shed at Wansford
ac2kuk: Swedish railcar 1212 at Wansford
ac2kuk: 37109 stands by Wansford signal box awaiting its next trip
ac2kuk: 56303 and 31108 arriving into Wansford
ac2kuk: 56301 approaching Longueville Junction
ac2kuk: 37109 powers past Longueville Junction
ac2kuk: 20314 and 20311 approaching yacht club crossing
ac2kuk: 31108 passes yacht club crossing
ac2kuk: 56301 and 37109 power away from a speed restriction towards Ferry Meadows
ac2kuk: 56103 and 56303 head towards Ferry Meadows
ac2kuk: 31108 heads towards Ferry Meadows on the NVR
ac2kuk: 56303 and 56103 power away from a speed restriction headed towards Wansford on the NVR
ac2kuk: 56301 approaches yacht club crossing on the NVR
ac2kuk: 37109 approaches yacht club crossing on the NVR
ac2kuk: 60039 working 7l15 pass Blackbush Crossing, Whittlesea with a couple of cranes for added interest. iso 1600 :-(