Ant (ac_1076): Preserved Yelloway coaches (CDK 172L) at the Transdev Intack Depot open day
Ant (ac_1076): Yelloway coaches CDK172L, Intack open day
Ant (ac_1076): Yelloway coaches CDK172L
Ant (ac_1076): Yelloway Coaches (M60 YEL)
Ant (ac_1076): Yelloway Coach
Ant (ac_1076): Preserved Yelloway coaches (CDK 172L) at the Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust ‘Ribble 100’ event in Morecambe
Ant (ac_1076): A rear view of preserved Yelloway coaches (CDK 172L) at the Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust ‘Ribble 100’ event in Morecambe
Ant (ac_1076): Preserved Yelloway coaches (CDK 172L) at the Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust ‘Ribble 100’ event in Morecambe
Ant (ac_1076): Yelloway YDK 590
Ant (ac_1076): Preserved Yelloway coaches (CDK 172L) at the Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust ‘Ribble 100’ event in Morecambe
Ant (ac_1076): Buses at the Transpo50 event and inside the Manchester Museum of Transport. Preserved Yelloway (YDK 590)