abv: Runty Pigeon at The Brooklyn Bridge
abv: Never open
abv: News Groper crew in the rain
abv: Motor and wheels
abv: It wraps around corners
abv: Ridgewood sky
abv: I thought desayuno meant lunch, but I was wrong
abv: TACO and intersection
abv: Con Edison from our office window
abv: Border crossing
abv: Fuck DUMBO Goodbye Cred
abv: Grain and reflection
abv: BINGO
abv: Building, Bridge, Water
abv: I moved that cone so I could take this picture
abv: Bosnian Burger
abv: The only thing to fear is running out of beer
abv: I don't remember this. Is it a chinese lantern?
abv: Dark 1 (office)
abv: Dark 2 (Maybe Ft. Greene)
abv: Shoes, Wire, Sky