aburgh: Painted Lady, Distelfalter, Vanessa cardui
aburgh: Painted Lady, Distelfalter, Vanessa cardui
aburgh: Cydalima perspectalis, Buchsbaumzünsler, box tree moth
aburgh: Verbascum
aburgh: Verbascum
aburgh: Verbascum
aburgh: Verbascum
aburgh: Peony bud with aphids and ants
aburgh: Peony bud with aphids and ants
aburgh: Peony bud with aphids and ants
aburgh: Curious sheep observing lichenologists
aburgh: Curious sheep observing lichenologists
aburgh: Autographa gamma on Aspicilia calcarea
aburgh: Triodia sylvina
aburgh: Garden Spider
aburgh: Garden Spider
aburgh: Papilio machaon, Swallowtail
aburgh: Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus) on Lobaria pulmonaria
aburgh: Carcinus maenas (shore crab, Gemeine Strandkrabbe)
aburgh: Papilio machaon, Old World Swallowtail
aburgh: Horses
aburgh: Podarcis muralis
aburgh: Horses on the beach
aburgh: Two snails (Helix aspersa) happily feeding on Ochrolechia parella
aburgh: Sandy bay on Muck
aburgh: Rose chafers (Cetonia aurata) feeding on tomato
aburgh: Rose chafers (Cetonia aurata) feeding on tomato
aburgh: New Forest National Park
aburgh: New Forest National Park
aburgh: Sheep, a bit shaggy