aburgasser: the morning after
aburgasser: alejandro & margarita
aburgasser: a tired self-portrait
aburgasser: vacas gordas!
aburgasser: to the left
aburgasser: to the right
aburgasser: can you tell us where the horses are
aburgasser: self portrait at the rodeo
aburgasser: caballeros
aburgasser: poise
aburgasser: chilean caballero hat
aburgasser: tools
aburgasser: nina y bandera
aburgasser: awards
aburgasser: in the stands
aburgasser: congratulating the champion
aburgasser: champion!
aburgasser: memory
aburgasser: hats off
aburgasser: caballero hat
aburgasser: flag raising
aburgasser: the odds are looking bad
aburgasser: ring of caballeros
aburgasser: caballero
aburgasser: circling the ring
aburgasser: candy?
aburgasser: ron filming us filming him
aburgasser: helados!
aburgasser: chaos
aburgasser: perro