Abu Yotam: Bus Stop
Abu Yotam: Pipe Line to the North.
Abu Yotam: Not Titled yet!
Abu Yotam: Smuggling
Abu Yotam: Peacock-Feather Pinwheel
Abu Yotam: Begin road
Abu Yotam: The Cross Valley
Abu Yotam: The Cross Monastery
Abu Yotam: Forging Ahead
Abu Yotam: Khanuka Nachlaot Jerusalem (3)
Abu Yotam: Hanuka Jerusalem
Abu Yotam: Khanuka Nachlaot Jerusalem (4)
Abu Yotam: Sixth Candle
Abu Yotam: # (5)
Abu Yotam: # (3)
Abu Yotam: # (1)
Abu Yotam: After the Flickr meeting on my way home
Abu Yotam: Murphy's (2)
Abu Yotam: Murphy's
Abu Yotam: Night Walk