Abu Yotam: Book's cave
Abu Yotam: Lion Heart (redone)
Abu Yotam: Ofir.
Abu Yotam: Grandpa and grandson On the Stairs
Abu Yotam: Red field.
Abu Yotam: Road Taken.
Abu Yotam: Zohar
Abu Yotam: Offir.
Abu Yotam: Ofir
Abu Yotam: Dror
Abu Yotam: First Line Please
Abu Yotam: The Magician
Abu Yotam: Safety at work (3)
Abu Yotam: BG's View
Abu Yotam: Jane Doe
Abu Yotam: אנחנו בעד בועז מעודה
Abu Yotam: New Kindergarten
Abu Yotam: פלורליזם ירושלמי - Pluralism in Jerusalem style.
Abu Yotam: פלורליזם ירושלמי
Abu Yotam: Labor
Abu Yotam: The Iron Photographer!?
Abu Yotam: IMG_0681
Abu Yotam: Barefoot
Abu Yotam: Shaul
Abu Yotam: Crouching Tiler
Abu Yotam: My Memories of Ingrid Bergman.
Abu Yotam: Out!!!