abthompson: Gerilyn and Jonathan
abthompson: David
abthompson: Gerilyn
abthompson: Crowd shot
abthompson: Tammy
abthompson: Another crowd shot
abthompson: Roommates
abthompson: Pre-worship time
abthompson: Pre-worship time
abthompson: Lacey
abthompson: Pre-worship time
abthompson: Watershed
abthompson: Watershed
abthompson: Watershed and pre-worship time
abthompson: Watershed praying before worship
abthompson: Watershed and worship
abthompson: Lyrics
abthompson: Duane
abthompson: Duane
abthompson: Waiting for worship to start
abthompson: Getting ready for worship
abthompson: Leader of Watershed
abthompson: Watershed soprano
abthompson: Watershed and worship
abthompson: Watershed and worship
abthompson: Watershed and worship
abthompson: Playing a little spades
abthompson: Building 429
abthompson: Building 429