abthompson: People hanging out and waiting on food
abthompson: Sashsa smiling for the camera
abthompson: Coin games again
abthompson: AnCharlene and Audrey listening to someone
abthompson: Still waiting around for the gift exchange
abthompson: Kelly not realizing Jesse was smiling for the camera
abthompson: The back of AnCharlene's head
abthompson: Sashsa looking all sophisticated and what not
abthompson: Jason posing for the camera
abthompson: People waiting for the gift exchange
abthompson: People waiting for the gift exchange
abthompson: Charlie, Charles, and Adam playing coin games
abthompson: AnCharlene looks sad...
abthompson: Gerilyn again
abthompson: Gerilyn sitting by the fireplace
abthompson: I'm not terribly excited about my picture being taken, either
abthompson: Kelly pretending to be excited that I'm taking her picture