objectivejay: fireworks over the Sound
objectivejay: fireworks over the Sound
objectivejay: fireworks over the Sound
objectivejay: fireworks over the Sound
objectivejay: Cappuccino
objectivejay: Con soy
objectivejay: Con Leche
objectivejay: Con Leche - 2
objectivejay: Con soy
objectivejay: IMG_0598
objectivejay: IMG_0597
objectivejay: IMG_0599
objectivejay: The Meltdown at Naches Peak
objectivejay: Naches Peak Loop Lake
objectivejay: The Meltdown at Naches Peak
objectivejay: Trickle waterfall at Naches Peak
objectivejay: The Meltdown at Naches Peak
objectivejay: The Meltdown at Naches Peak [with friends]
objectivejay: We were just using their camera
objectivejay: We were just using their camera - 2
objectivejay: Dragons of Chinatown
objectivejay: Heaven in Capitol Hill
objectivejay: Tempting!
objectivejay: Eat more cake
objectivejay: At trailhead
objectivejay: An easier way exits, but not today
objectivejay: Pause
objectivejay: Traction
objectivejay: Stride and Drag
objectivejay: Relative Effort