Absolute Imperfection: Stop and Stare
Absolute Imperfection: Enlighten Me
Absolute Imperfection: It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow
Absolute Imperfection: Dont Look, See.
Absolute Imperfection: Things should be made as simple as possible
Absolute Imperfection: metamorphose
Absolute Imperfection: Eye in the sky
Absolute Imperfection: Endless Possibility
Absolute Imperfection: Alienate thy self
Absolute Imperfection: Timeless Note
Absolute Imperfection: THIS IS ME DAMNIT
Absolute Imperfection: Are You Smiling now?
Absolute Imperfection: Beauty may be intersubjective, but is it objective?
Absolute Imperfection: Under Control
Absolute Imperfection: Things do not change, we change.
Absolute Imperfection: Relinquesh Merriement
Absolute Imperfection: I dream things that never were
Absolute Imperfection: salvation is here
Absolute Imperfection: Here, but not
Absolute Imperfection: Bewilderment
Absolute Imperfection: Inberable lightness of being