absentmindedprof: Control station
absentmindedprof: Setting up the GoPro
absentmindedprof: Watching the GoPro video from his phone
absentmindedprof: Around the bend
absentmindedprof: Farm houses
absentmindedprof: Yellow farm house and pigs
absentmindedprof: From above
absentmindedprof: Trolley station
absentmindedprof: Spare parts
absentmindedprof: Garden gnomes
absentmindedprof: Water mill
absentmindedprof: Train and bridge
absentmindedprof: Train and bridge 2
absentmindedprof: Conductor fixing the train
absentmindedprof: Stores named after family members
absentmindedprof: General merchandise
absentmindedprof: Butcher shop, dry goods, hardware
absentmindedprof: Trains passing by each other