absentmindedprof: the roundhouse, where all the old trains are kept
absentmindedprof: on platform 2, for the train ride
absentmindedprof: roundhouse roof
absentmindedprof: inside the train
absentmindedprof: chugging out of the train yard
absentmindedprof: model trains
absentmindedprof: the museum's only caboose
absentmindedprof: alan and the 'boose
absentmindedprof: car, adapted to go on rails
absentmindedprof: many pistons
absentmindedprof: engine room
absentmindedprof: museum from outside
absentmindedprof: trains in the parking lot
absentmindedprof: linking 13 great states with the nation