absentmindedprof: presidential family fun day schedule
absentmindedprof: 5pm: distribution of presidential cupcakes
absentmindedprof: presidential cupcake installation
absentmindedprof: the crowd
absentmindedprof: cupcakes from the 3rd floor
absentmindedprof: closeup of pixels... i mean cupcakes
absentmindedprof: live webcast... wave!
absentmindedprof: these kids were hamming it up for the webcam
absentmindedprof: kids at rest
absentmindedprof: another view
absentmindedprof: volunteers lined up to distribute the cupcakes
absentmindedprof: handing out trays
absentmindedprof: removing the first cupcakes!
absentmindedprof: there goes obama's hair
absentmindedprof: distribution of the cupcakes
absentmindedprof: the hungry crowd
absentmindedprof: slow progress
absentmindedprof: handing out cupcakes
absentmindedprof: the artist, zilly rosen
absentmindedprof: more progress on the lincoln side
absentmindedprof: still uninstalling the installation
absentmindedprof: finally! we get some
absentmindedprof: cupcake closeup
absentmindedprof: while absolutely patriotic and delicious...
absentmindedprof: zilly rosen again
absentmindedprof: what was remaining when we left