absentmindedprof: glider prep
absentmindedprof: blue and white
absentmindedprof: wind sock
absentmindedprof: alan watching the gliders
absentmindedprof: the coastline
absentmindedprof: pink and white
absentmindedprof: takeoff I
absentmindedprof: takeoff II
absentmindedprof: takeoff III
absentmindedprof: takeoff IV
absentmindedprof: red and white
absentmindedprof: stars and stripes
absentmindedprof: many gliders
absentmindedprof: yellow / blue and white
absentmindedprof: turquoise
absentmindedprof: one white dog
absentmindedprof: two white dogs
absentmindedprof: hangglider landing zone
absentmindedprof: landing I
absentmindedprof: landing II
absentmindedprof: landing III
absentmindedprof: landing IV