absentmindedprof: view of the hills from mulholland drive
absentmindedprof: view of the city from mulholland drive
absentmindedprof: pershing square
absentmindedprof: skating rink at pershing square
absentmindedprof: getty center at night I
absentmindedprof: getty center at night II
absentmindedprof: funny glass man
absentmindedprof: los angeles at night
absentmindedprof: santa monica sidewalks
absentmindedprof: the georgian hotel, heh
absentmindedprof: palm trees
absentmindedprof: frisbee tournament on the beach
absentmindedprof: amusing sign
absentmindedprof: demonstration on the beach I
absentmindedprof: demonstration on the beach II
absentmindedprof: santa monica from the pier
absentmindedprof: venice beach houses
absentmindedprof: mini tennis
absentmindedprof: so much color
absentmindedprof: tons of people
absentmindedprof: this is why they call it venice, i guess
absentmindedprof: palm trees on hollywood blvd
absentmindedprof: kermit the frog gets categorized under TV
absentmindedprof: walk walk walk, star star star
absentmindedprof: hollywood sign from far away
absentmindedprof: the kodak theater
absentmindedprof: of course i had to take a picture of this one
absentmindedprof: grauman's chinese theatre