absentmindedprof: checking out the rings
absentmindedprof: redwood pine cone
absentmindedprof: docent and park ranger
absentmindedprof: redwoods I
absentmindedprof: redwoods II
absentmindedprof: fallen redwood
absentmindedprof: redwoods III
absentmindedprof: i took this one
absentmindedprof: someone else took this one
absentmindedprof: hike to buzzard's roost
absentmindedprof: everyone gathered at the top
absentmindedprof: clambering
absentmindedprof: the view from buzzard's roost
absentmindedprof: glad to finally get a chance to rest
absentmindedprof: one last picture before heading back down