abimaxim: sweet huge drill though
abimaxim: RIP Afghan Kabob
abimaxim: cross-section with blocked-up hole
abimaxim: detail - magic
abimaxim: murals on Lombard at Pratt st
abimaxim: detail - faces
abimaxim: detail - Scarry cat
abimaxim: artist credits
abimaxim: murals on Lombard at Pratt st
abimaxim: murals on Lombard at Pratt st
abimaxim: courtyard behind St Mary's
abimaxim: someone's lovely window box
abimaxim: premature bloomers
abimaxim: Paca st has some narrow houses
abimaxim: St. Mary's Spiritual Center
abimaxim: St. Mary's Spiritual Center
abimaxim: St. Mary's Spiritual Center
abimaxim: The Nothing
abimaxim: dead fountain
abimaxim: Church on Madison
abimaxim: view towards dru hill ave
abimaxim: house on Jasper
abimaxim: metal fence
abimaxim: the old bccc
abimaxim: well hello
abimaxim: favourite mansion on Madison & Charles
abimaxim: building facing Eutaw
abimaxim: a shame
abimaxim: 3 kings
abimaxim: junque