Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Jour blanc
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Andrew Lundwall
Armand Brac: Le plongeoir
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Scenario
Armand Brac: Prevents misreading
Armand Brac: Le poing
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: L’étranger
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Soupçonné
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Magda Dudziak
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Toerkgs
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas for Opium
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas
Armand Brac: Untitled
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Zach Collins
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas
Armand Brac: Collaboration with Sébastien Coutheillas