Avis Boutell: Half Moon Bay State Beach - Francis Beach - habitat HMB
Avis Boutell: Half Moon Bay State Beach volunteer restoration work
Avis Boutell: Western snowy plovers
Avis Boutell: Western snowy plover
Avis Boutell: Western snowy plover
Avis Boutell: 3 July Crowded Beach
Avis Boutell: DSC_0218
Avis Boutell: DSC_0286
Avis Boutell: DSC_0300
Avis Boutell: DSC_0030
Avis Boutell: Snowy Plover male and chick
Avis Boutell: DSC_0007
Avis Boutell: DSC_0018
Avis Boutell: DSC_4010
Avis Boutell: DSC_5744
Avis Boutell: DSC_5751
Avis Boutell: HMB SB 01
Avis Boutell: Nature Trail
Avis Boutell: Cypress 02
Avis Boutell: Francis Field Rabbit 02
Avis Boutell: Asteraceae - Grindelia stricta var. platyphylla (coastal gumplant) and Onagraceae - Clarkia rubicunda (farewell-to-spring) HMB
Avis Boutell: DSC_3047
Avis Boutell: DSC_3048
Avis Boutell: Nursery Photo from Tower
Avis Boutell: HMB SB Dunes overlooking Half Moon Bay
Avis Boutell: HMB SB Dunes overlooking Half Moon Bay
Avis Boutell: HMB SB visitor center and native plant demonstration garden
Avis Boutell: visitor center 01
Avis Boutell: pelican banner 01
Avis Boutell: Western snowy plovers and sanderlings