Avis Boutell: 01 gulls circle whale in October
Avis Boutell: 02 Jeff Poklen on the beach by the remainder of the whale in November
Avis Boutell: 03 Jeff Poklen photographing gulls feeding on the whale
Avis Boutell: 04 gulls perch on the whale to feed-fulmars stay in water
Avis Boutell: 05 dark and light fulmars
Avis Boutell: 06 western gulll and fulmar
Avis Boutell: 07 distinctive fulmar bill with separate plates and nostrils on top
Avis Boutell: 08 Fulmar feeding
Avis Boutell: 09 fulmar feeding
Avis Boutell: 10 fulmar fight
Avis Boutell: 11 fulmar fight
Avis Boutell: 12 fulmar fight.JPG
Avis Boutell: 13 Bean Hollow Trail
Avis Boutell: 14 lupine and clover along the Bean Hollow trail
Avis Boutell: 15 Coast Trefoil
Avis Boutell: Asteraceae - Erigeron glaucus (seaside daisy)
Avis Boutell: 17 mule ears and Douglas iris
Avis Boutell: 18 harbor seals on the rocks below Bean Hollow trail
Avis Boutell: Fulmar feeding on the carcass
Avis Boutell: DSC_0286
Avis Boutell: DSC_0285
Avis Boutell: DSC_0284
Avis Boutell: DSC_0283
Avis Boutell: DSC_0282
Avis Boutell: DSC_0281
Avis Boutell: DSC_0280
Avis Boutell: DSC_0279
Avis Boutell: DSC_0278
Avis Boutell: DSC_0277
Avis Boutell: DSC_0271