Nagi Aboulenein: Brown Pelican
Nagi Aboulenein: American Oystercatcher
Nagi Aboulenein: Royal Terns
Nagi Aboulenein: Blue-footed Booby
Nagi Aboulenein: Blue-footed Booby
Nagi Aboulenein: Brown Pelican
Nagi Aboulenein: Fishing Boat with Attendants
Nagi Aboulenein: Magnificent Frigatebird (juvenile)
Nagi Aboulenein: Brown Booby
Nagi Aboulenein: Brown Booby
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whales (mother and calf)
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whale (calf)
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whale (calf)
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whale (calf)
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whale (calf)
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whale (mother)
Nagi Aboulenein: Humpback whale (mother and calf)
Nagi Aboulenein: Blue-footed Booby
Nagi Aboulenein: Brown Pelican
Nagi Aboulenein: Boobies and Pelicans (off Playa del Rey)
Nagi Aboulenein: Boobies and Pelicans (off Playa del Rey)
Nagi Aboulenein: Boobies and Pelicans (off Playa del Rey)
Nagi Aboulenein: Boobies and Pelicans (off Playa del Rey)
Nagi Aboulenein: Boobies and Pelicans (off Playa del Rey)
Nagi Aboulenein: Magnificent Frigatebird (off Playa del Rey)
Nagi Aboulenein: Brown and Blue-footed Boobies
Nagi Aboulenein: Heerman's Gulls, Pelicans
Nagi Aboulenein: Laughing GUlls
Nagi Aboulenein: Brown Pelican
Nagi Aboulenein: Tropical Kingbird