Nagi Aboulenein: Savannah Sparrow
Nagi Aboulenein: Great-tailed Grackle
Nagi Aboulenein: Laughing Gull
Nagi Aboulenein: Laughing Gull
Nagi Aboulenein: Crested Caracara
Nagi Aboulenein: Crested Caracara
Nagi Aboulenein: Common Gallinule
Nagi Aboulenein: American Bittern
Nagi Aboulenein: American Bittern
Nagi Aboulenein: American Bittern
Nagi Aboulenein: White-faced Ibis
Nagi Aboulenein: Loggerhead Shrike
Nagi Aboulenein: Juvenile Alligator
Nagi Aboulenein: White Ibis flock
Nagi Aboulenein: White Ibis
Nagi Aboulenein: Wild Flowers
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Heron
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Heron
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Herons and White-faced Ibis fight over nest site
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Heron argument
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Heron argument (cont'd)
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Herons
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Herons - nesting material delivery
Nagi Aboulenein: Tricolored Heron
Nagi Aboulenein: Egg - can you guess which species?
Nagi Aboulenein: Carolina Chickadee with worm
Nagi Aboulenein: Carolina Chickadee
Nagi Aboulenein: Swamp sparrow
Nagi Aboulenein: Black-and-white Warbler
Nagi Aboulenein: Black-and-white Warbler