The Big Drop: Beth Harris. Jason Snell.
The Big Drop: Another Julie
The Big Drop: Olive Abnoxious. Creepy Liam
The Big Drop: The Fountain (without Corporate Logo's In background)
The Big Drop: Julie Being Shy
The Big Drop: Olive. Creepy Liam (again)
The Big Drop: Olive Abnoxious
The Big Drop: Phasinggggggg
The Big Drop: Fountain
The Big Drop: Carew Tower Being Tower-like
The Big Drop: Shawn Abnoxious. Bevo.
The Big Drop: Brad. Carrie. The New American Gothic
The Big Drop: Shawn Abnoixous and Zach Gabbard (of BUFFALO KILLERS)
The Big Drop: Zach Gabbard. Andy Jody.
The Big Drop: A Brother of the Wolf
The Big Drop: Zach. Ross The Boss. Baby Strange.