The Big Drop: Cincinnattus (from NSX 68)
The Big Drop: Cousin @ Desdemona
The Big Drop: Apollo Up at Desdemona (from NSX 68
The Big Drop: Four (Up) Close (Apollo)
The Big Drop: Cousin at Desdemona (from NSX 68)
The Big Drop: Cousin from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: Cousin Close-up from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: All Three (Apollo Up) (from NSX 68)
The Big Drop: From the ground (Apollo) Up
The Big Drop: Enon @ Desdemona (from NSX 68)
The Big Drop: Cousin from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: Cousin from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: Cousin from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: Apollo Up from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: Apollo Up from Desdemona 2006
The Big Drop: Apollo Up from Desdemona 2006