abnoon: an idle moment by the window...
abnoon: shadow windows
abnoon: a cafe on Cali 1
abnoon: simple
abnoon: sorting myself out
abnoon: these boots
abnoon: fragile, unbendable
abnoon: a little shed
abnoon: Easter color
abnoon: Danny's gift
abnoon: You may now kiss
abnoon: date night at White Castle
abnoon: Marsha's rhododendrons
abnoon: Ellen's tulips
abnoon: Sausalito
abnoon: reflected light
abnoon: the gatekeeper
abnoon: taking a break
abnoon: Giving the Keys a Rest
abnoon: Sun At The Door
abnoon: A Little Bit of Winter
abnoon: a man at work
abnoon: pals forever
abnoon: the dark corner
abnoon: still life
abnoon: hey whats for breakfast?
abnoon: he's thinking
abnoon: at the piano
abnoon: ... he left for Afghanistan today ...
abnoon: basement textures